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The moment Magik pulls out the Soul Sword - I'm sold. I thought this was a spoof from Funny or Die. Ive actually NEVER seen this in Hollywood before. Wow. Free movie spy intervention games. Everything from the concept to the casting = brilliant. I'll be seeing this one in theatres. I'm recovering from knee surgery and have been off work the past 2 weeks. So, with my time and my boredom, I decided to lurk the depths of google, do my own research, and create this list. I made this list to have all evidence of fame-seeking, with its accompanying internet link, all in one convenient place. We've all heard about Kendall and her twin drinking the bodily fluids of farm animals on Fear Factor. But that wasn't the only reality television show Kendall was an actor on. Did you guys know Caroline wasn't the only pageant girl? There were a actually a few different girls who were in pageants in different states at different times. And, for your viewing pleasures, acting demo reels for days. It's a bit messy, and I intend to edit/clean it up as time goes on! If you have anything to add, leave it in a comment or PM me and I'll give you credit and add it to the list! **Also..... I plan on/have started working on one of these for Colon's girls as well. Waiting to see if Reet Skeet can drop any more info on who they are so I can get to digging. I will post the ones on Colon's girls either tomorrow or the day after. Here's the list. 1. Annaliese, "Event Designer". While on Millionaire Matchmaker, she used the job title "Visual Merchandiser". Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. Acting. Also some modeling. a) An acting demo reel, seen here: The demo reel features Annaliese across a handful of roles, where she demonstrates her emotional range, fake "crying", eating burgers, and lots of other Annaliese-levels of strange acting stuff. She is brunette in it. I don't know exactly what year it's from. It includes clips of her appearances in short films: "Occupy I E" "Callbacks" "Voices Intervention" "Tres Cascadas", "8 Reels ofSewage", Her demo reel also includes a very short clip of her appearing on (what I am assuming is a real talk show, ) the Dr's, where she gets a new blonde hairstyle. Maybe this inspired her transition to becoming a blonde. b) Acting/Modeling Profile. Annaliese has dark red hair here. c) Was on Millionaire Matchmaker. On this show, she had brown hair. I can't find footage of it anymore, but people on this sub have seen it and confirmed she appeared on it at least 3 separate times. (from bravos website) (a different episode from bravo's website) (another from bravo's website) (photo submitted by a reddit user in a post I read) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Kendall, "Creative Director" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. Acting, Reality TV, Entertainment Reporting, Singing You'd think the show would have mentioned Kendall's extensive work within the entertainment industry at one point or another. But they focused on taxidermy and ukelele-playing instead. Kendall is definitely someone I see as a major fame-seeker, but she would probably not be likely to admit it. a) a Bustle article that talks about Kendall, her ties to various work on sets of tv shows (including Keeping Up W the Kardashians), reality TV apperances, and the possibility of her sister also wanting to get in front of cameras b) Via her twitter 2015 My first episode of "Mystery Diners" on TLC airs Wednesay, (tonight), on the Food Network! She appeared on it as an actress. c) Resume. At the time this was written, she was "working for Food Network as an actress/spy on the show Mystery Diners", The show was eventually caught under public scrutiny for being "fake and scripted" and possibly unethical. lol d) Kendall conducting movie-promo interviews w/ various celebs e) Her role on Fear Factor "Electrified" A random website that made fun of her and her sister for the barnyard bodily fluid segment of the show from 2013 with gross screenshot photos from the episode f) Her youtube w ukulele singing ------------------------------------------ 3. Krystal Nielson, "Fitness Coach" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. Radio, TV, Entertainment Reporting, and Pageantry. Eventually fitness. From what I could gather of Krystal's actual history, she was trying to make a name for herself in the tv/radio industry in Utah until 2012. Around that time, she had gathered enough momentum to propel herself into a full-on move to LA to advance her career, which left her disappointed and depressed once she got there and failed. The set-back ultimately lead to her leaving behind her tv/radio fame aspirations. She began working toward making a name for herself in the fitness industry instead. a) Fun Fact of the Day: Krystal was 2nd Runner up for Miss Montana Teen USA in 2003. b) Demo reel, 2013. Mostly interviewing and broadcasting journalism type of stuff c) Youtube video she made from her bedroom in 2012, about going to LA and her early lessons of living there after moving from Idaho for a television career d) Adventure comedy short film she was in, in Boise called All Night, in 2011 e) Krystal interviewing people at a radio event for KISS FM 103. 3. I think she may have just been free-lance interviewing and not working for anyone in particular, probably for a demo-reel. f) Krystal gives an interview about her fitness career in 2016, a year before she did the show. "I always liked fitness, I never thought I'd do it professionally. I actually worked in radio and tv in Idaho. I came out to LA in 2012 to pursue a career in television and entertainment reporting" ------------------------------- 4. Caroline Lunny, "Realtor" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. Pageantry, Acting, Modeling, Entertainment Hosting a) Obviously, she was Miss Massachusetts 2014 b) Acting portfolio can be found here, with her self-written bio: I am a fun and energetic person! I am easy to work with and very responsible. I am looking to build my acting resume and for some great experiences! Special skills: Acting, Painting, Photography, Modeling, Horseback riding, Cheerleading, Skiing. Also, I was Miss Massachusetts Teen USA 2008 c) Pageant update info from 2011, after she won Miss Teen Massachusetts in 2008 (which I wasnt aware of til I found this) which states she hopes to one day have her own TV show and follow in the footsteps of her TV idols: Ellen DeGeneres, Kelly Ripa, and Chelsea Handler ------------------------ 5. Marikh Mathias- "Restaurant Owner" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. Modeling and pageantry I didn't look too far into Marikh. She talked about modeling while on the show, and she was shown actually in the restaurant she owns with her mother. How large her role in the restaurant is in real life, who knows, who cares. She was transparent in her modeling aspirations and her dedication to being glam. One thing I did not know about Marikh was that she competed for the Miss Utah USA title in 2015 and came in top 20. Pageant: Modeling agency portfolio: ------------------------------ 6. Maquel Cooper, "Photographer" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. Modeling and Acting. a) Resume: Details her experiences in Film, Commericial, and Modeling. Doesn't mention photography in her talent section. b) Talent Agency Profile w/ Stars Talent in Utah c) This is just an extra tidbit I found that was just kind of random. It's a pre-wedding, interview-style video she had made. The video is of she and her ex-husband, from June 2016. It's...... interesting, to say the very least. I believe they had been together for about 6 years before they divorced, shortly before she took on a contestant role on Aries season. ------------------------------------- 7. Bibiana Julian, "Executive Assistant" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: A little bit. Modeling. This ones tough, since she used to be a Miami Dolphins Cheerleader, which brought a fair amount of attention and at least one award during her time doing so ("Best Cheerleader" by FHM during her rookie year). So its not like she set out to strictly be a model. But the evidence of modeling was still out there, and still is, via her IG shilling. a) Modeling pics from 2011 for an ASICS campaign (looks like a future shiller to me! ) also a youtuve video of the pics b) More modeling pics from ------------------------------ 8. Jenna Cooper, "Social Media Manager" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Sort of. I don't really know. She definitely wanted to become famous, as is evident in all of her bizarre social media and socialite efforts these days. I didn't find too much on her pre-show, though. Nor did I really want to dig that deep on her. I've seen a little too much of her lately and figured I'd just give it a rest lol ------------------------------- 9. Chelsea Roy, "Real Estate Executive Assistant" **Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations:modeling. Links to come. -------------------------------- 10. Jacqueline, "Research Coordinator" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: nope. All signs point to her just going to school, like she has claimed. Her lack of TV time may explain why she is so bad at being sort of famous now-a-days. I only found one tiny video clip of her answering a question for a youtube interview, made my students at her college, about what their favorite app was. She was bundled up and clearly on her way to class. She had the cute college-freshman chubby face look going on (as I did, too. Not making fun). So I'd venture to say she wasn't doing any big modeling between school semesters. --------------------------------- 11. Seinne Fleming, "Commercial Realtor" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Yes. a) Modeling site I belive it was Reality Steve who exposed her modeling aspirations as being the overall motivator for doing the show. -------------------------------- 12. Bekah Martinez, "Nanny" Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Nah. I thought I'd find more on Bekah. And maybe there's more out there, I just didn't look in the right places. I saw some "modeling" photos of her here and there, but nothing professional. All looked pretty amateur and made-for-instagram. She strikes me as someone who wanted to become famous from the show, but (from what I could tell) she wasn't actively trying for fame beforehand. At least not at the same level as some of the other contestants clearly were. ------------------------------- 13. Tia Pre-Show Evidence of Fame Aspirations: Nah. -------------------------------- 14. Libby/Lauren- she is a very photogenic, pretty, perfectly fine, soft-spoken cardboard cutout Some people have mentioned she was a model before the show, using a fake name. I don't doubt this is true; I just got bored and didn't care enough about her to even look it up. Haha. I'll take yalls word for it. --------------------------------- 15. Becca K. Couldn't find a single thing about her. I know she was in PR, which definitely wouldn't hurt her chances of success on the show. Or at the very least, with the producers.

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